Thursday, March 29, 2012

Finding 'Error Column' Causing Error

Good Morning,

Am I new at this so please bear with me. I searched the site and found threads on identifying the meaning of an error code and have instituted that scripting. It is telling me that I have a 'The data value cannot be converted for reasons other than sign mismatch or data overflow.' error. It identifies the colum as 5301.

I searched the threads and found one telling me I could do an advanced editor search on the lineage id to find the column being referenced. I have traced the entire process using this information and cannot find a reference lineage id of 5301. Was that thread information accurate, and if so what do I do now? If not, can someone tell me how the heck I find column 5301? I cannot load my table from a flat file because of this.

Work so far:

I have checked for integrity between column definitions and source flat file. I applied derived column changes to make the data transform to the appropriate data type/order where necessary. This part works without error. (Or seems to, there is no error output from this piece.) It is only on the final attempt to load that the process errors with these messages.

Thank you in advance to anyone who can help me.


It should be, I think, the INPUT column lineage ID of the offending component.|||

Tracing input columns I can find a lineage ID of 5103 NOT 5301. There is no reference in any of the ID fields, including the lineage, of 5301. Any other ideas?

|||Edit the .dtsx package file in your favorite text editor and look for 5301. Look around there a bit to see what column it references.|||

Well it turns out that worked. The column id and lineage ID are not related at all to each other. (See below.) It would seem to me there should be a better way to find this information out than this very cumbersome process.

<inputColumn id="5301" name="" description="" lineageId="5109"


CaptainMyCaptain wrote:

Well it turns out that worked. The column id and lineage ID are not related at all to each other. (See below.) It would seem to me there should be a better way to find this information out than this very cumbersome process.

<inputColumn id="5301" name="" description="" lineageId="5109"

Right, well, there is. You should be able to find the INPUT column of 5301 in your data flow when looking at the advanced editor for any given component.

The lineage ID, 5109, in this case tells me that this column has gone through some transformations along the way, but it was originally 5109 somewhere along the line. If you look back a ways, you should find an id="5109" on column further up in the .dtsx source. That is this column's "parent."

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