Sunday, February 19, 2012

Final Attemp -Sql Stored Procedure Tough Question

I have a procedure I need to get the values out of..I am using outputs...I have no idea why it wont work.....I need all values listed in the select part of procedure...

CREATE procedure dbo.Appt_Login_NET
@.LoginName nvarchar(15),
@.Password NvarChar(15),
@.UserName nvarchar(15)Output,
@.UserPassword nvarchar(15)Output,
@.UserClinic nvarchar(3)Output,
@.UserTester bit Output
UserName = @.LoginName
UserPassword = @.Password


my code to retrive this info is

Private Sub Button1_ServerClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.ServerClick
Dim con As New SqlConnection("Server=myserver;database=APPOINTMENTS;uid=webtest;pwd=webtest")
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
Dim parmuser As SqlParameter
Dim parmus As SqlParameter
Dim parmpass As SqlParameter
Dim parmtest As SqlParameter
Dim struser As String
Dim strpass As String
Dim strclinic As String
Dim strnames As String
Dim tester As String
strpass = txtPass.Value
struser = txtUser.Value
cmd = New SqlCommand("Appt_Login_NET", con)
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.Parameters.Add("@.LoginName", struser)
cmd.Parameters.Add("@.Password", strpass)
parmus = cmd.Parameters.Add("@.UserName", SqlDbType.NVarChar)
parmus.Size = 15
parmus.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
parmuser = cmd.Parameters.Add("@.UserClinic", SqlDbType.NVarChar)
parmuser.Size = 3
parmuser.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
parmpass = cmd.Parameters.Add("@.UserPassword", SqlDbType.NVarChar)
parmpass.Size = 15
parmpass.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
parmtest = cmd.Parameters.Add("@.UserTester", SqlDbType.Bit)
parmtest.Size = 1
parmtest.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output

If Not IsDBNull(cmd.Parameters("@.UserName").Value) Then
Label1.Text = cmd.Parameters("@.UserName").Value()
Label1.Text = "No Results Found"
End If

End Sub

Why does this always show as "DBNUll" I get nothing when I debug any of my parm variables.I searched the SQl Server and in Query analyzer instead of the output variables in the procedure being just outputs they are input/outputs...............What does it take to get this working? Do I need a conversion datatype I would prefer I gain the values and store them in variables.....CREATE procedure dbo.Appt_Login_NET
@.LoginName nvarchar(15),
@.Password NvarChar(15)
UserName = @.LoginName
UserPassword = @.Password

You are trying to get all the information based on user/pass information passed into the SP. Then you won't need to have the other parameters in your SP since they are fields in your table.. Data contained in the table will get returned based on the user/pass credentials that were provided.

I am sure you were getting an error on the other parameters since you didn't provide data to those...

Then using a DataReader just use the field name to get the values out of them

Dim reader as SqlDataReader = command.ExecuteReader(...)

IF reader.Read THEN
string UserName = CType(reader["UserName"], string)
END IF|||So I should leave that procedure the way I had it like you have it and then how exactlly do I extract for example the User Clinic if I used this data reader thing.How might I set that up.....Thanks|||UserClinic is the clinic at which this user works then you can do the same thing I did in that IF statement...

dim user as string
dim uClinic as string
dim uTester as boolean

IF reader.Read THEN
user = CType(reader("username"), string)
uClinic = CType(reader("UserClinic"), string)
uTester = CType(reader("UserTester"), boolean)

sorry in previous post I used [] in the reader ordinal call...[] is a C# thing|||No, no no. You're are correct to use OUTPUT params and not to use a result set. You are trying to get a few columns of data for a single row. OUTPUT params is exactly the correct thing to use. Your problem is that you've not written your proc correctly. Open up Query Analyser, write the proc and test the thing. Once its working then you can then worry about the .net code.|||I have tried this code but I get an error on "Inncorrect Syntax" I really cant figure this please...

here is the source error
Source Error:

Line 86: cmd.Parameters.Add("@.LoginName", txtUser.Value)
Line 87: cmd.Parameters.Add("@.Password", txtPass.Value)
Line 88: reader = cmd.ExecuteReader <--is highlighted in red
Line 89: If reader.Read Then
Line 90: user = CType(reader("UserName"), String)

my Code.......

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim con As New SqlConnection("Server=myserver;database=APPOINTMENTS;uid=webtest;pwd=webtest")
Dim user As String
Dim uclinic As String
Dim uTester As Boolean
Dim reader As SqlDataReader
Dim cmd As SqlCommand

cmd = New SqlCommand("Appt_Login", con)
cmd.Parameters.Add("@.LoginName", txtUser.Value)
cmd.Parameters.Add("@.Password", txtPass.Value)
reader = cmd.ExecuteReader
If reader.Read Then
user = CType(reader("UserName"), String)
uclinic = CType(reader("UserClinic"), String)
End If

End Sub|||view post 510022|||Thanks guys for all the help....I got it working

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