Sunday, February 26, 2012

Find an associated user

I am trying to copy a database that is on a Windows 2000 box to one
that is on Windows 2003. Is there a way to export a list of server
login names? I am having problems with one I am trying to create where
on the old server using Teratrax I can see that it is an associated
user Name, but I don't know which user it is associated with. Is there
a command that can tell me which user the account is associated with?
It definitely isn't a domain user and isn't a local account. It says
that the user is a SQl user but I can't seem to find where the
association is.
hi Mark,
"Mark Constant" <> ha scritto nel messaggio om
> I am trying to copy a database that is on a Windows 2000 box to one
> that is on Windows 2003. Is there a way to export a list of server
> login names? I am having problems with one I am trying to create where
> on the old server using Teratrax I can see that it is an associated
> user Name, but I don't know which user it is associated with. Is there
> a command that can tell me which user the account is associated with?
> It definitely isn't a domain user and isn't a local account. It says
> that the user is a SQl user but I can't seem to find where the
> association is.
PRINT 'adding SQL Server Login [x] to [' + DB_NAME() + '] as [x_user] in the
[db_datareader] database role'
EXEC sp_adduser 'x', 'x_user', 'db_datareader'
PRINT 'grandting [x_user] in [' + DB_NAME() + '] database [db_datawriter]
database role membership'
EXEC sp_addrolemember @.rolename = 'db_datawriter' , @.membername = 'x_user'
PRINT 'listing all [' + DB_NAME() + '] database users'
EXEC sp_helpuser
PRINT 'listing [' + DB_NAME() + '] database [x_user] user''s database role
EXEC sp_helpuser 'x_user'
PRINT 'Dropping [x_user] user from [' + DB_NAME() + '] database'
EXEC sp_dropuser 'x_user'
which results to
adding SQL Server Login [x] to [tempdb] as [x_user] in the [db_datareader]
database role
Granted database access to 'x'.
'x_user' added to role 'db_datareader'.
grandting [x_user] in [tempdb] database [db_datawriter] database role
'x_user' added to role 'db_datawriter'.
listing all [tempdb] database users
UserName GroupName LoginName DefDBName UserID SID
-- -- -- -- -- --
dbo db_owner sa master 1 0x01
x_user db_datareader x a 5
x_user db_datawriter x a 5
listing [tempdb] database [x_user] user's database role membership
UserName GroupName LoginName DefDBName UserID SID
-- -- -- -- -- --
x_user db_datareader x a 5
x_user db_datawriter x a 5
Dropping [x_user] user from [tempdb] database
User has been dropped from current database.
as you can see you can inspect the result of sp_helpuser system store
_sp_help_45o2.asp) that reports, as long as the user name, the corresponding
Andrea Montanari (Microsoft MVP - SQL Server)
DbaMgr2k ver 0.9.1 - DbaMgr ver 0.55.1
(my vb6+sql-dmo little try to provide MS MSDE 1.0 and MSDE 2000 a visual
-- remove DMO to reply

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